Astro Bot game size leaked

June 28, 2024 by No Comments

Astro Bot is one of the more anticipated games coming to the PlayStation 5 (PS5) later this year after being revealed during Sony’s PlayStation State of Play in May. Now, thanks to a post on social media, we know exactly how big the Astro Bot is on your PS5 and how much space you’ll need to install the game.

According to a post by Jenky on Twitter, the Astro Bot comes in at 66GB. For comparison, Astro’s Playroom took up just 11GB on the console.

This 600% increase in size is due to Astro Bot being a much larger game in nature than the previous title. Developer Asobi even called Astro Bot the studio’s “biggest game ever.”

Asobi’s Nicolas Doucet said in a recent interview, “It’s really about having a notch — really multiple streaks — and the larger story of Astro. “We call it Astro Bot because we think of it as a new beginning. It’s a really big game. For us, I think it’s the biggest game we’ve ever done.

According to Asobi, Astro Bot will feature over 150 cameos from PlayStation history. It also features six galaxies and 80 levels to explore.

Astro Bot will launch exclusively on PS5 on September 6.

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