Fallout co-creator reveals what he wants to return to the series

June 26, 2024 by No Comments

Bethesda Softworks hasn’t always published the beloved post-apocalyptic RPG game series Fallout. The original creators of the game were Interplay Entertainment, and they were responsible for delivering the first title in 1997. Recently, a series co-creator talked about what it would take to bring him back to Fallout. Find out more about what he had to say below.

Timothy Cain, a highly respected American video game developer and one of the co-creators of Fallout, is a passionate advocate for game development. His substantial presence on YouTube is a testament to his dedication, as he regularly talks about various aspects of game development. His recent videos touch on making games, undoing Fallout Van Buren, writing good NPCs, and more. Notably, Cain published a video yesterday discussing what it would take to get him back to Fallout.

Cain “Would I work on Fallout again?” He started by saying. One of the questions he gets asked the most over the past few months. He explains that the answer is more “complicated” than we think. The first thing Cain wanted to know was whether he was remaking the first Fallout from a 3D perspective, creating a remake like New Vegas, or perhaps Fallout 5.

Cain explains that every RPG he’s worked on so far offers something new and different, and it’s not about “money, power, power” or anything along those lines. It piqued his interests and inspired him to “even play”. He also said that this was one of the reasons he didn’t work on Fallout 2 because it didn’t add anything new to him and he didn’t want to work on sequels. Cain talked about this before giving examples of games like Wildstar, Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodline, Dungeons and Dragons and more that offered him in terms of “something new”.

Cain added that he was approached for several games and decided not to work on them because he had nothing new to experience. He’s had people asking him to “work on a new IP” or “direct again”, but that’s not something he’s interested in. Cain also talked about how money is a factor and he wants to be paid according to his experience and appreciation in the industry. So there you have it; If Bethesda wants to get Timothy Cain in the next Fallout title, they need to offer something “new” to bring him on board.

On the subject of Fallout, we recently saw a collaboration between Bethesda RPG and Call of Duty. Also, Todd Howard mentioned not wanting to “rush” the next title. What do you think of Timothy Cain’s need to return to Fallout? Let us know in the comments.

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