Nintendo Switch 2 has plans to combat scalping

July 1, 2024 by No Comments

With the highly-anticipated release of the Nintendo Switch 2 next year, the company’s president has unveiled an important plan to combat scalping. The plan is a reassuring step for players who often face the challenge of securing a new console on launch day.

During an earnings call, Shuntaro Furukawa, Nintendo’s president, recently addressed the issue of scalping for their next console. According to VGCFurukawa mentions three main suggestions:

  1. Nintendo ensures that they provide an adequate amount of stock so that supply matches demand.
  2. Furukawa stated that they will examine “the circumstances in each region”.
  3. Semiconductor shortage is not a problem for Switch 2

Scalping, or the resale of consoles at inflated prices, is a frustrating reality of new releases. This forces many players to spend much more than the intended price of the device. A direct example of this was seen during the launch of the PlayStation 5, when the consoles sold for 2 to 3 times the market retail price. The players were left with no other option and had to buy at these inflated prices. Many people are in this situation where players have to pay exorbitant prices due to stress on the scalp.

Three main factors have contributed to the shortage of consoles at retail. First, the console was released during the pandemic, which has already caused production problems worldwide. Second, a shortage of semiconductors further delayed production. Finally, Sony’s limited drops allowed scalpers to dominate the market, leaving real buyers blank. Understanding these factors is critical to predicting Nintendo Switch 2 availability.

In other news, here’s a look at all the games coming to Switch 2, including Perfect Dark, Turok Dinosaur Hunter, and more. What do you think of Nintendo’s plan to prevent Switch 2 scalping? Let us know in the comments.

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