Snake Eater Remake will have very detailed camo and healing systems

June 29, 2024 by No Comments

In the latest episode of the Production Hotline series focused on the creation of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Konami gives fans a look at the upcoming camo and healing systems in the ambitious remake. What we’re being introduced to is a veritable plethora of incredibly detailed mechanics, with everything in the environment influencing the Big Boss show in ways we could only have dreamed of when the original game dropped 20 years ago.

Naked Snake is always great

In the video you can watch below, we get an important look at the camo and healing systems in the Snake Eater remake, which has been in development for a long time, but still has no release date.

It is confirmed that the environment and Bigg Boss conditions will have a real-time effect on his performance. For example, if you’re crawling through a muddy swamp, expect your clothes to get wet on a slope that hardens, crusts, and falls off over time. After that, if you walk through the forest, the leaves will stick to your clothes. When you’ve been shot or stabbed, you’ll find your clothing bearing signs of that damage, with tears and holes marking where you were hit.

In the original game released in 2004, some of the landmark features include a camo system and a dynamic healing menu. The players were charged with treating their injuries in a more realistic manner than ever before, using stitches, tourniquets, bandages, splints and cauterization to fix their injuries. Konami is taking it a step further in the Snake Eater remake, any incoming damage is permanent to the snake’s body. After dealing with particularly nasty injuries, they become scars left throughout the game.

As someone who fell in love with Snake Eater on the PlayStation 2 back in 2004, Metal Gear Solid Delta is one of my most anticipated games – but at this point it looks like it’ll be 2025 before release.

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